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Thursday 11 December 2014

To Graduate or not to Graduate?

(First of all, let me clarify that this post is not about getting or not getting your degree. It is about whether or not attending the graduation ceremony is worth it.)

Graduation time is here again and it's already been one year since my graduation. Truth be told, I still do not regret not attending my graduation ceremony. Why? Read on...

For my undergraduate ceremony, there was no doubt I would attend it. As we were a small university, I got to know most of the student body, both my seniors and my juniors. At the end of the three years, the students, professors and staff felt like a second family, so graduating amongst all those people who have supported me throughout all those years, was exciting and emotional. It was a special day and we were made to feel special.

Instead for my Master degree, I decided not to attend it. Why? First of all, in less than a year, even if I attended all of the social events and parties, would I have been able to find a friend whom I could trust? Meh. I did get to meet a few amount of people, but that doesn't mean we became close friends. So there wasn't any strong attachment towards my fellow classmates and wanting to graduate together. We were in the same stormy sea but not on the same boat. Second,  I don't understand why I had to pay £40 outside my tuition for a black gown and a cardboard hat. And that's only for renting it for one hour. If I were to buy it for keepsakes, it would have been around £100. Third, the ceremony was so short due to other departments' ceremonies being all squeezed in two weeks, thus you had to be very quick with the shaking of the hand and grabbing your degree. I've seen the recording of my department's ceremony and there wasn't enough time to savour the moment.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that attending a graduation ceremony is exciting and nostalgic. It's exciting to hear one's name in front of a huge crowd, shaking the Dean's hand and flipping the tassel from right to left. It's a proud moment as after all those months of hard work and sleepless nights have now come to fruition. It's nostalgic, as from that day onwards you will not see your friends and professors everyday. It is also the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

So should you attend your graduation ceremony? If it is possible, attend at least one. Preferably one where all your friends and family are gathered, so you can reminiscence through all the good memories and snap lots of pictures.

Congratulations to all the graduates!!

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